Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Trolls or gangsters? Hmmmm....

Was in the FLGS last week and found myself staring at copies of Cargo Noir and Trollhalla.  And I was flummoxed (I know, good word, eh!)  Both are games of set collection and both have been described as great gateway games.  But Cargo Noir has had some negative reactions with the positive which has held me back whereas so far I have yet to hear dissenting opinions about the troll game.  Hmmmm...  That combined with the $10 dollar price difference (yes, I'm looking at you, Days of Wonder) may just sway me towards Trollhalla.  Anyone played either of these and wanna pipe in?


  1. Haven't played either, but I have some similar feelings. Cargo Noir sounds way too light and simplistic for me to spend that kind of money, and while I've heard some good things, the theme of Trollhalla actually turns me off a little.

    Just wait and buy Troyes when it gets here, that's my solution...

  2. Cargo Noir is going to be my next blog post. It is alright, fairly light, but fun. Unless I have misread a rule somewhere though, turn order really affects your strategy for the whole game. Keep your eye out for the blog post, and I'll try and explain more.

  3. Oh, buy 'em both! You know you will eventually, anyway! :)

  4. Cargo Noir feels so... Knizia. The triangular number and exponential number value of the set collection. The simultaneous bidding on different groups of cards. The pasted on theme (where's the crime?), etc. It's very pretty, and I'm sure I'd enjoy a few games of it, but for some reason it feels dated.

  5. Yeah, I didn't really like the Cargo Noir style of auction in Knizia's Amun-Re or Vegas Showdown. It just wasn't very exciting (although there are some slight differences here). Whereas Trollhalla has a really silly theme that turns me off almost completely, but the reviews have been pretty great.

    Oh well, bought Chatvil's Travel Blog today instead. Addict.

  6. Travel Blog wasn't even on my radar at all. Chvatil's game do certainly have a wide variety in them. Form Bunny Bunny Moose Moose, Red Alert, and Through the Ages; pretty impressive. Currently am addicted to playing TtA online at boardgaming-online.com.
